Ruse - Tutrakan
(rkm 480 - rkm 444)
Site description
The site between rkm 480 and rkm 444 is part of the Lower Danube, which is a free-flowing stretch of the river. The Executive agency “Exploration and Maintenance of the Danube river” is ensuring the navigation conditions in this area.
It also falls within two protected areas: Kalimok – Brashlen (BG0000377) BG0000377 (SCI) and Kalimok Complex (BG0002030) BG0002030 (SPA) of the Natura 2000 ecological network.
The territory is characterized by a moderate continental climate with significant annual temperature fluctuations. Strong colds occur in winter, and great heat is recorded in summer.

Map of the site
For this specific area EAEMDR performs hydrographic surveys and gathers data about daily water quantities (cubic meters per second) and daily water level (in cm) to the nearest gauge (Ruse, rkm. 495).
In this area, the most critical for navigation are the sections near Brashlen Island and Mishka Island. Due to their proximity, they can be considered as one section – from rkm 462 to rkm 452.
Key information
FAST DANUBE 2 – Improvement of Navigation Conditions on the Romanian Bulgarian Common Sector of the Danube
DANSER – DANube SEdiment Restoration: towards the deployment and upscaling of sustainable management of the sediments across the Danube catchment basin
DanubeSediment_Q2 – Sustainable, Integrated Transnational Sediment Quantity and Quality Management in the Danube River Basin
The pilot will start with measuring the bathymetric conditions of the site to identify the specifies of the location and to detail the design of the sediment management solutions by partner HPI.
In order to establish a sediment management pattern in the proposed areas of the Danube basin SUNDANSE will address the correction of water velocity to reduce sedimentation on the riverbed, i.e. in the fairway of the Danube, and the management of the erosion occurring in the river banks. The hydrotechnical works envisaged by the SUNDANSE experts hold natural based solutions, which have the same outcome as the classical solutions but are natural in execution.
The Danube river is a dynamic system that is constantly changing. Every year is different in terms of climatic conditions, rainfall and water levels.
- Establishing nature-based solutions for sediment management;
- Preserving the sediment balance;
- Improvement of the environmental status of the river.
Key numbers


Executive Agency "Exploration and Maintenance of the Danube River"

Administratia Fluviala a Dunarii de Jos Galati

Hydro Proiect Invest
Contact information
Site coordinator
Executive agency “Exploration and Maintenance of the Danube river”